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Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Long Run

A funny thing happened today while I was running with a friend I haven't seen in a while. I ran 7 miles. In a row. That's the longest distance I've run in many, many years.

Sure, we walked a bit here and there on a few hills, and stopped for about 5 minutes to get some water, but the fact is, I ran 7 miles from start to finish.

It was the talking that did it. We had so much to catch up on, so many stories to tell, that we just kept going. I've been quite busy lately, and more than a bit lax about my running routine (I went twice last week, 2-3 miles a pop), so I was surprised that my body allowed this distance.

My legs and my lungs did start protesting at around 3 miles, like usual, but I was right in the middle of a good story about my recent adventures at the FitBloggin Conference, so I distracted my legs from themselves.

The protests were ignored. I hate to interrupt a good story.

I bet I can do a lot of stuff I don't think I can do, if I just keep distracting myself from the hard work by telling good stories and hanging out with fun people. It's worth a shot.


Luann Abrams said...

That's awesome!
Don't forget to ice that knee says your little trainer friend.

Ells (aka Serialmono) said...

That's awesome! Running buddies totally help. I have a friend who comes with topics picked out.

deb roby said...

Having at last met you at FitBloggin I can completely believe that telling a story kept you running.

Now, how to build that trait into your training...

juliejulie said...

Oh Deb, if you ask any of my personal trainers they'll tell you the truth: I talk the whole time there, too! In fact, they quickly figure out how hard to work me by my conversation level, and how to distract me into "just 3 more!"

Anonymous said...

Woot woot! Congrats!

Jennifer Crego said...

We can do far more than we think we can. :)

I love your blog! I'm adding you to my blogroll at