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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Francine Twist Goes to Vegas

I know, I know, this whole mannequin thing is weird.

Who is Francine? Why is she going to Vegas? What does U2 have to do with it? Will there be video?

So many questions from so many people. I'm working on the answers, and I'll write you the whole story soon, and fire up the Francine Twist blog, too. I promise. In the mean time, tell me what you think Francine means. I bet you have some ideas.

Right now. I'm scurrying around like a crazy person who has to retro-fit a vintage mannequin and figure out how to get her to Vegas for a major rock concert, along with a client of mine who's helping us with the video, and my best friend, Marcia, who just seems to be available for these kinds of adventures, whenever I happen to call, for the past 32 years.
Thanks for joining us. It means the world to me. And to Francine.

Oh, and here's a little video about what I'm going to wear, because I know you care.


Unknown said...

Francine is hot, but I'm even more impressed with the pic of you and Marcia!

Bobby said...

Let me restate that sans anonymity - "Francine is hot, but I'm even more impressed with the pic of you and Marcia!"

Unknown said...
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