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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Chubby Mommy Business: Cupcake Kisses

Cupcake "Kiss"

I thought a few of the Bend Local CMRC wanted to get together to meet our new member, Lori and walk the Butte, but it turns out we needed cupcakes instead. There were many WoTech (Women in Tech) members present, so we did some official networking to justify the time off from work (for those of us who actually work - see my previous post!)

These are the delightful minis at Allyson's Kitchen in the Old Mill. I have not analyzed them scientifically, but it seems to me that each one could be used up by 50 minutes of walking or running in my target heart range. At least, I'd like to think so.

If you're a loyal reader and would like to be on an offical cupcake meeting mailing list, please email me. And, of course, if you'd like to walk or run off that cupcake, check out our schedule, above, and contact me if you plan to join us. We may add a regular noon walk, too.

Any ideas about where we can walk inside during bad winter weather? Maybe we'll all have to join a Bootcamp together, or something. Ick. I'd rather do Cupcake Camp instead.

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