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Saturday, November 3, 2007

Ooops! I forgot to diet...

I got on the scale this morning. The good news is I haven't gained any pounds. The bad news is, I haven't lost any. Two weeks ago I promised myself I'd lose ten pounds before my birthday. My birthday's in ten days.

I don't usually lie to myself. I prefer to think of this lack of pound loss and a broken promise as more of a misunderstanding.

Seriously, I just forgot.

Maybe I could lose five pounds before my birthday. Maybe if I start running every day again, that would help. And I haven't eaten any Halloween candy in about...23 hours. If I stop eating candy and start exercising, you never know. It could happen.

I'll tie a string around my finger, and hopefully by the end of the week, it will be loose.


Anonymous said...

...Here I am, eating Halloween candy (bad) and ready your blog! How bad is that? Seriously, though, I should be a member of the Chubby Mommy Running Club. I can so relate to this!

juliejulie said...

You are not bad. If you are bad for eating Halloween candy, than that means I am bad, and I am NOT bad. Welcome to the Chubby Mommy Running Club!

Jen said...

Dear CMRC,

Tonight I had a rum & Coke for dessert. And a piece of Halloween candy. Is that bad?

btw... tag! :)

juliejulie said...

Dear Mommies, chubby or not: we need to unite against the "bad." How can food be bad? Except for Coke, I mean? Rum is good, of course.